Analyzing Singapore's HDB flats resale price
Explore & model Singapore's HDB flats resale price using different prediction models. Engineering new features such as centrality and proximity to MRT stations. Out of the box, RandomForest performs better than single complex models with minimal hyperparameters tuning ...Read more
Predicting loan defaults
Fitting a statistical model to historical credit data and estimate the value of current loans. Along with model building, I will demonstrate the use of sklearn's Pipeline as a more convenient approach for Feature Enginerring, Cross Validation and Hyperparameters Tuning ...Read more
Guessing user drawn digit
Using CNN to build a digit guessing game. The model is trained using Keras and GUI is created using Streamlit ...Read more
Analyzing Vietnam's high school graduation exam results
Analyzing Vietnam High School graduation exam scores. Identifying trends, predicting missing scores and determining whether it's fair to give bonus score based on geographical regions ...Read more
Simulating a queue system
Using simpy to simulate a queueing line at the airport check in counters. This is an example of Discret-event simulation (DES). In contrast to Monte-Carlo simulation, DES are useful when you need to keep track of a system’s state and analyze resource usage over time ...Read more
Finding the most similar questions on r/AskReddit
r/AskReddit is a popular subreddit where users can submit open-ended questions. In this analysis, I analyze the top 1,000 questions and find those that are most similar. The resulting technique can be applied to recommending similar questions to increase engagement, or identifying reposted questions ...Read more
Analyzing my poker games
Using pandas to parse raw game logs to analyze game fairness, players trends and behaviors. ...Read more
Cohort and Retention analysis
Using pandas to create a retention chart segmented by cohorts. Identifying trends across rows, columns and diagonal features. ...Read more
Creating a pokemon guesser
Using openCV to extract image contours and process image akin to guess the pokemon games ...Read more
Building a DCA simulation apps with Streamlit
Creating a Dollar Cost Average (DCA) calculator using streamlit ...Read more
Creating choropleth map with geopandas and matplotlib
Creating a choropleth map to present geographical data ...Read more
Estimate pi using Monte Carlo simulation
Estimating pi using Monte Carlo simulation and presenting the results in an animated chart ...Read more
Web scraping with requests and BeautifulSoup
Basic web scraping with Requests and BeautifulSoup ...Read more